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New Solutions For Neck And Back Pain Helping Patients Regain Active Healthy Lives


It is estimated that about 80 percent of people around the world suffer from neck and back pain at some point of their lives. Neck and back pain can be due to lifestyle related poor posture, degenerative spine changes, muscular and tendon injuries, slipped discs and other conditions. The burden this places on society in terms of sick days, time off work, cost of medications as well as of spinal surgery is well documented. The impact this condition has on the lives of sufferers personally is even more severe, resulting in lost social interactions due to reduced mobility, depressed moods, and the misery associated with chronic pain.


“The pain can sometimes resolve with rest or simple treatments but may also progress to a long term pain condition.”


It is well known that many patients find that traditional neck and back pain treatments to be less than ideal.A patient with persistent lower back pain on his left side still suffers from this condition after going through long periods of traditional back pain treatment methods.

Medication have been well documented to have a significant risk of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney side effects when taken over the longer term when administered as a method to relief back pain.

More evasive back pain solution like spine surgery is also a concern among many patients due to risks of complications during surgery.

Even glucosamine supplements popular over the past few decades have been reported in multiple studies to have limited benefit.

Fortunately, medical science has progressed at an incredible pace these past few years and a number of new, non-invasive and cost-effective solutions are now readily available.


One such back pain solutionis Regenerix Gold, a joint repair supplement produced through the enzymatic hydrolysis of collagenous tissue, combined with a number of powerful anti-inflammatory herbs. Published research shows that when taken as an oral supplement, collagen hydrolysate is absorbed, accumulates in joint cartilage, and stimulates repair activity.

According to British Physiotherapist Ms Cara Cullen, “when someone takes Regenerix Gold, the powerful anti-inflammatory herbs, when combined with the tissue regenerative abilities of collagen hydrolysate, gives amazing results in both speedy pain relief as well as long term recovery.”

To find out more about how Regenerix Gold can help your neck and back pain, visit:

Or simply call, text and WhatsApp: +65 9128 1901 to order a bottle today. (International delivery available)


For people who prefer a direct, clinic based solution, Shockwave Therapy is a very good option to considerwhich is available at many back pain clinics and is considered to be an effective back pain treatment in Singapore.


Also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, it is a well-established method of treating musculoskeletal problems. Employing a high energy acoustic wave, shockwave induces neovascularisation (new blood vessel growth) and tissue regeneration, thereby treating many pain conditions.

What sets this treatment apart from traditional treatments is that it treats the musculoskeletal pathology instead of just offering symptomatic relief.

With so many new effective back pain treatments in Singapore readily available, it is really a shame that so many people continue to live in misery not knowing that an active life free from neck and back pain is easily within reach.

To Find HowNew Medical Solutions Can Help You Become Pain Free Again, Simply Call The Pain Relief Practice at +65 93376918

Or simply call, text and WhatsApp: +65 9128 1901 to order a bottle today. (International delivery available)

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