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What can I do for Sciatica Treatment in Singapore?

For anyone who is looking to help deal with back pain, there are many issues that can get in your way. One of the most common issues when it comes to looking after your back comes from your posture. Many of us have poor posture, brought on by lifestyle choices and how we work. If you are based in an office job, you are likely going to slouch a lot. If you are someone who spends a lot of time, reading, watching TV, playing video games etc, the problem might worsen quicker. In this case, you should look to speak to an expert.

One of the most common things you can find with back pain is that it’s caused by a condition known as sciatica.If you would like to get over problems caused by sciatica, you have to know what it is and then how to combat it.

Let’s take a look at what sciatica involves – and how to treat it.

What is Sciatica?

The condition itself is often related to the back, where most of the issue start from. For most of those who suffer from sciatica, the problem stems from the pain shooting down the legs. Itstarts from the lower back and can quickly feel it radiating down the legs and even right down to the feet.

The main reason for sciatica treatment stems from an impingement of your sciatic nerve – hence the name. This nerve is often damaged by a herniated disk or a bone spur. This can push into the nerve, and this can cause you to feel consistent pain in the body. It can also lead to some other less than comfortable feelings, such as a sense of tingling – even numbness – down the body and into the legs.

In more severe cases of sciatica, you can find that it also has a negative impact on your ability to feel sensations in your leg.

What Should I do if I have Sciatica?

The first thing to do is consider if you need to see a professional for help.You could have a similar back pain problem that might not be as significant or as severe as sciatica. It often causes a sense of lasting pain and discomfort in the body, and usually will mean that the feeling of tingly numbness will not go away. Over time, this can begin to become very uncomfortable.

If you would like to get some help with regards to sciatica, you should do some research on what options are available for you. First, let us be clear about something: some people who have sciatica will have to go and see a neurosurgeon in Singapore. However, it’s not always the case; most of the time, sciatica treatment can be found without needing surgical help.

You often find that a happy balance of rest, medication, and physical therapy can help minimise the problem. However, not everyone can find the time to sit down and rest, what can you do?

Non-Surgical Solutions for Sciatica

The most common solution for dealing with pain caused by sciatica is to do physical workout. A bit of workout management through personal exercise regime should get things moving in the right way. This will allow you to feel some relief in the body that you have not felt for a while.

Another common solution for sciatica is to go through some lower back stretches. Certain stretches can help you to ease the tension and the pain on the sciatic nerve. While it might not always work, stretching is usually the first recommended port of call.

Sometimes, the main solution is simple like applying hot packs at the right intervals can make some changes.

What if I don’t Find any Relief?

Then you might need to look at surgery. We recommend that you come and speak to us first though. We can first go through a series of non-surgical care to see if that can help you out. If it does not, we will then look at going for surgical sciatica treatment in Singapore.

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