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Who do I see for Neck Pain?

Debilitating neck pains afflict people at some time or another. While some pains work themselves out after sufficient rest, there are times when seeing a specialist is the best course of action. But often, people are confused about whom to seek treatment from.

So which medical professional should you visit to treat neck pains?

As a prudent starting point, visiting your primary care doctor will begin the process of deciphering what exactly is causing your pain. After the initial visit, you may be referred to a number of specialists who can treatment neck pains. These include:

Orthopaedic Surgeons

Orthopaedic Surgeons

Should you be seeking the most thorough evaluation and treatment available, orthopaedic surgeons are widely referenced as the highest standard of medical care for neck pain.

While their specialty is in the musculoskeletal system, some branch out into specific areas of the body, such as the hand or spine, sports medicine, and pediatric orthopedics.


Neurologists are medical doctors who study the brain and nervous system, and serve as specialist consultants to primary care doctors.

Neurologists are able to perform treatments with medications, recommend a patient to a physiotherapist, or refer people for surgical procedures. They cannot, however, perform surgeries.


After obtaining a proper diagnosis, a neurosurgeon may be required if your condition is specific to the nerves, spinal cord, or bones in the cervical region.

Neurologists often call upon neurosurgeons when diagnosing and treating a patient’s condition.

Once people who suffer from neck pain identify which specific doctors they can seek help from, other factors such as recommendations from other patients (perhaps from other friends, family and coworkers), location of treatment centers, number of years of experience, and available office hours must all be considered before choosing a medical profession that can help you with your neck pain.

Featured Doctors

Dr Prem Pillay

Dr Prem Pillay


#15-03 Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre,
3 Mt. Elizabeth,
Singapore 228510.

Tel: (65) 6835 4325
Fax: (65) 6835 4326


Dr Quah Hak Mien

Dr Quah Hak Mien

Consultant Colerectal Surgeon

Quah Hak Mien Colorectal Centre
6 Napier Road #05-01, Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapore 258499

Tel: (65) 64797189
Fax: (65) 64711929

